How to Winterise Your Hot Tub: A Step-by-Step Guide for Cold Weather Posted on

How to Winterise Your Hot Tub: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Winterise Your Hot Tub: A Step-by-Step Guide for Cold Weather

Winterizing your hot tub is a vital step to safeguard it from freezing temperatures and the potential damage that can occur. As the mercury drops and the chill of winter sets in, your hot tub becomes particularly vulnerable to various cold weather-related issues, including frozen plumbing and expensive repairs. This article aims to guide you through the winterization process, providing a comprehensive step-by-step guide on winterising your hot tub effectively, ensuring it’s ready to face the frosty weather.

Hot tubs, with their soothing jets and warm water, are a luxurious addition to any home, providing relaxation and therapeutic benefits. However, they’re not without their share of maintenance requirements. For optimal performance and longevity, they need regular care and attention. As the weather turns colder, these maintenance needs become even more crucial. Freezing temperatures can wreak havoc on a hot tub’s functioning, leading to costly repairs and a shortened lifespan. By understanding the importance of winterization and taking the necessary steps, you can protect your hot tub, ensuring its longevity and peak performance for years.

Understanding Hot Tubs

Before embarking on the winterization process, it’s essential to understand the anatomy of a hot tub and why regular maintenance is crucial. Hot tubs are made up of several key components: the shell, which holds the water and is typically crafted from durable materials like acrylic or fibreglass; the plumbing system, incorporating pipes, jets, and pumps that circulate and filter the water; and the electrical components, which include heaters and control panels that regulate the temperature and operation of the hot tub.

Every hot tub component has a role to play in its overall functionality and performance. Regular maintenance tasks include checking and balancing the chemical levels, cleaning the filter, ensuring proper water circulation, and maintaining the water temperature. It’s also crucial to keep the hot tub covered when not in use to protect it from debris and maintain heat efficiency. As the weather turns colder, these tasks become even more critical. Freezing temperatures can cause damage to the plumbing system and other components, making winterization essential for the protection of your hot tub during the colder months.

The Significance of Winterization

Winterizing your hot tub isn’t merely a precaution; it’s a critical process for ensuring its longevity and preventing expensive repairs down the line. Neglecting to winterize your hot tub properly can lead to freezing, which can cause severe damage to the plumbing system and other components. Water expands when it freezes, leading to cracked pipes, damaged jets, and other problems. Moreover, freezing temperatures can damage the hot tub’s shell and cover, reducing its durability and effectiveness.

By undertaking the necessary steps to winterize your hot tub, you can shield your investment, preventing costly repairs and extending the lifespan of your hot tub. Proper winterization ensures all water is removed from the plumbing lines, eliminating any risk of freezing. It also helps maintain the integrity of the hot tub’s components, such as the shell, pumps, and heaters. Furthermore, winterizing your hot tub allows you to clean and service it thoroughly, ensuring it’s in perfect condition for when the warmer weather returns.

A comprehensive step-by-step guide is crucial when winterizing your hot tub to ensure that all necessary tasks are performed and your hot tub is well-protected. In the next section, we delve into the pre-winterization steps before you start the winterization process.

Pre-Winterization Steps

Before winterizing your hot tub, preparing it by checking and balancing the chemical levels in the hot tub water is essential. Maintaining proper water chemistry is critical to the health and longevity of your hot tub. For instance, the water’s pH should be between 7.2 and 7.8 to prevent damage to the hot tub’s components and ensure user comfort. The alkalinity level should be between 80 and 120 parts per million to stabilize the pH level, and the calcium hardness level should be between 100 and 200 parts per million to prevent corrosion or scaling.

Cleaning the hot tub filters is another crucial pre-winterization step. Over time, filters can accumulate debris and buildup, impairing performance and potentially damaging your hot tub’s pump and heater. Cleaning your filters regularly extends their lifespan and ensures your hot tub water remains clean and clear. It’s recommended to clean your filters at least every four to six weeks, depending on how often you use your hot tub. It would be best to replace your filters every one to two years to ensure they continue to work effectively.

Winterizing Your Hot Tub: Step-by-Step Guide

You can begin winterising your hot tub once you’ve completed the pre-winterization steps. Start by draining the hot tub completely. You can remove the drain cap and use a garden hose to siphon the water out. Alternatively, you can use a sump pump, which can speed up the process significantly. Make sure to remove all the water from the hot tub, including any that may be left in the footwell or seats.

Next, switch off the breaker or unplug the hot tub to cut off power. This is a crucial safety measure to prevent electrical shocks during winterization. Then, loosen the unions on the pumps and heater to allow any remaining water to drain from the plumbing lines. This step is essential to prevent any water from freezing and causing damage to the plumbing system.

Once the hot tub is fully drained, remove and clean the filters. This will ensure they are free of debris or buildup and ready for use when refilling the hot tub. Ensure no water is left in the filter well, which can freeze and cause damage.

The next step is to blow out the lines using a shop vac set to blow. This will remove any water that may be trapped in the plumbing lines. Target the drains, unions, jets, and filter cavities to ensure all water is removed.

After blowing out the lines, remove any remaining water using a sump pump or shop vac. This will ensure that all hot tub areas, including the footwell and seats, are completely dry.

Clean the hot tub’s shell using a non-abrasive sponge or soft cloth, a hot tub surface cleaner or diluted white vinegar. This will remove any grime or buildup and leave your hot tub sparkling clean.

Next, clean the hot tub cover using a cover cleaner and allow it to air dry. This will prevent mould or mildew from developing on the cover during winter.

Finally, secure the cover with locks and wind straps to prevent water and debris from getting in. This will also help maintain the heat efficiency of your hot tub and avoid any potential damage.

Proper Chemical Balance in Hot Tub Maintenance

Maintaining a proper chemical balance in your hot tub water is crucial for a clean and bacteria-free experience. Imbalanced water can lead to many issues, such as cloudy water, foul odours, and skin and eye irritation. It can also lead to scaling, damaging your hot tub’s components. Therefore, it’s crucial to regularly test your hot tub water and adjust the chemical levels as needed.

ClearSpa offers a range of water treatment products to help you maintain clean and balanced hot tub water [1,2]. Their products include pH balancers, non-chlorine shock treatments, and chlorine or bromine tablets/granules.ClearSpa, a brand under Spa Trade Group, offers a wide range of high-quality water treatment products for hot tubs and pools.

Cleaning and Maintenance During Winterization

Cleaning your hot tub is a crucial part of the winterising process. This includes cleaning the shell, cover, and filters. By thoroughly cleaning these components, you can remove any grime or buildup and ensure your hot tub is ready for use when the warmer weather returns.

When cleaning the shell, use a non-abrasive sponge or soft cloth and a hot tub surface cleaner or diluted white vinegar. This will remove any grime or buildup without scratching the surface of the shell.

For the cover, use a cover cleaner and allow it to air dry. This will prevent mould or mildew from developing on the cover during winter. It would be best to clean the filters to ensure they are free of debris or buildup.

When cleaning your hot tub, it’s also essential to use suitable products and methods. This ensures effective cleaning and helps preserve the appearance and functionality of your hot tub. ClearSpa offers a range of high-quality cleaning products to help you maintain your hot tub effectively.

Safety Measures During Winterization

Safety should always be a priority when winterizing your hot tub. Before you begin the process, turn off the power to the hot tub. This is a crucial safety measure to prevent electrical shocks during winterization.

For those in particularly cold climates, you might consider using antifreeze for extra protection. However, checking your manufacturer’s warranty before doing so is essential, as not all hot tubs are designed to handle antifreeze. If you use antifreeze, ensure it is a pool- or spa-grade product.

Post-Winterization Care

After winterizing your hot tub, it’s essential to continue with regular maintenance. This includes cleaning the shell, cover, and filters and checking and balancing the chemical levels. Regular cleaning will prevent any grime or buildup, while proper chemical balance will ensure the water remains clean and safe.

Consider investing in protective measures such as cover bags or floating thermal blankets as part of your post-winterisation care. Cover bags can protect your hot tub from falling leaves, branches, and stormy weather, while floating thermal blankets can prevent heat loss through evaporation, saving money on energy costs during the colder months.

Operating Your Hot Tub in Winter

While many people choose to winterize their hot tub during the colder months, others continue using it. If you decide to use your hot tub during the winter, there are additional maintenance and freeze protection measures that you need to consider.

It’s crucial to keep the hot tub covered when not in use to retain heat and prevent freezing. Additionally, many hot tubs have freeze protection settings that you should activate during winter. These settings will automatically turn on the hot tub’s heater when the water temperature drops to a certain level, preventing the water from freezing.

Hiring a Professional for Winterization

While winterizing your hot tub can be a DIY task, you might consider hiring a professional, especially if you are unsure about any steps. A professional can ensure your hot tub is winterised correctly and protect it from damage. However, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons before deciding.

Hiring a professional can save you time and effort, but it can also be more expensive than doing it yourself. If you hire a professional, choose a reliable and experienced service provider. You can do this by checking online reviews, asking for recommendations, and ensuring they have the qualifications and insurance.

Importance of Regular Maintenance and Water Treatment

Regular maintenance and water treatment are crucial for the longevity of your hot tub and a safe and enjoyable experience. This includes checking and balancing the chemical levels, cleaning the filters, and ensuring proper water circulation.

ClearSpa offers a range of chemicals designed to maintain clean and balanced water in hot tubs and pools. These include pH balancers, non-chlorine shock treatments, and chlorine or bromine tablets/granules. Using these products ensures your hot tub water remains clean, clear, and safe.


Winterizing your hot tub is crucial to protect it from freezing temperatures and potential damage. Following the step-by-step guide, you can ensure your hot tub is properly winterized and ready to face the cold weather. Regular maintenance and water treatment are also crucial for the longevity of your hot tub and a safe and enjoyable experience. You can ensure optimal performance and longevity by properly caring for your hot tub during winter. So, don’t let the cold weather catch you off guard; get your hot tub winter-ready today!